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作者:子鱼 2023-03-26 19:25:08 / 96次阅读

1、志愿活动感悟1:All along, I want to be a volunteer and contribute to the society. In this voluntary activity organized by the school, I have gained a lot。A lot, a lot of emotion. Although this volunteer service is full of challenges and tiredness, it is the memory of happiness and happiness that occupies the top of my mind,Most of the space. Volunteer service is like coffee with sugar. Its bitter and astringent at first, but it will be refreshing soon Mellow.


2、志愿活动感悟2:Voluntary service is a way of contributing to society and serving others, and a process of transmitting love and sowing civilization. For the target, its sense。It is an opportunity to receive social care and obtain social recognition. For society, it is a cornerstone to promote social civilization and social harmony. stay。In this counseling, I have no reservation, no return to those students who need my help to extend a helping hand.


3、志愿感悟3:Although the two-day volunteer service is very tired, it is always worth thinking about the contribution and reward made by myself, and helping。People will get smiles. It is the affirmation and encouragement of the majority of contestants to our working attitude. It is a duty to help them。It is a pleasure. Although I havent seen a few of the formal competitions in the dance competition, I serve the public and send them to every contestant,Help and blessing.






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