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八上单词句子翻译成英语 语句翻译成英语八上

作者:子鱼 2022-07-19 00:07:29 / 138次阅读

1.语句 翻译成英语 八上

You take the subway from home to school how long?

Can you come to my birthday party 15 years old it?

She looks younger than Mary?

This weekend, I can not go to the movies with you.

That must be more interesting than riding a bike.


八年级英语上册单词表 Unit 1 第一单元单词及短语 1. how often 多久一次2.exercise锻炼;运动v.&n .3.skateboard.踩滑板;参加滑板运动v 4.hardly.几乎不;几乎没有adv5.ever.曾;曾经adv6.shop.购物v7.once.一次adv8.twice.两次;两倍adv 9.time.次;次数n10.surf.在激浪上,驾(船);在……冲浪v11.Internet.网络;互联网n 12.program (戏剧、广播、电视等的)节目、表演;(电脑)程序n.13.high school(美)中学;(英)公立中等学校 14.most.大多数的;大部分的;几乎全部的adj15.no没有的;全无的adj.16.result.结果;成果n 17.active.活跃的;积极的adj18.for.对于;关于;在……方面;就……而言prep19.as for至于;关于 20.about.约摸;几乎adv21.junk.废弃的旧物;破烂物n22.junk food垃圾食品23.milk.牛奶n 24.coffee.咖啡n25.chip (食物等的)薄片n.26.cola.可乐n27.chocolate.巧克力n28.drink喝;饮v. 29.health.健康;健康状况n30.how many多少31.interviewer.采访者n32.habit.习惯;习性n 33.try试图;想要;设法;努力v.34.of course当然;自然35.look after照顾;照看36.lifestyle生活方式n. 37.grade.分数;成绩;年级n38.better.(good和well的比较级)更好的;更使人满意的;健康状况有所好转的adj 39.same同样的;相同的adj.40.as.(表示比较)像……(一样) prep41.different.差异的;不同的adj 42.difference.不同;差异;区别n43.unhealthy.不健康的;不益于健康的adj 44.yuck.(表示反感、厌恶等)呸;啐int45.maybe或许;大概adv.46.although (=though)虽然;即使;纵然conj. 47.for (表示时间、距离、数量)达;计prep.48.grandpa爷爷;外公n.49.a lot of大量;许多 50.keep保持;使保持某种状态v.51.must modal.必须v52.less.(little的比较级)较小的;更小的;较少的;更少的adj Unit 2 第二单元单词及短语 1. matter.事情;问题;差错n2.have.得(病);患(病) v3.cold.伤风;感冒n4.have a cold患感冒 5.stomachache胃痛;腹痛;肚子痛n.6.sore.疼痛的adj7.back.后背;背脊n8.arm臂;胳膊n.9.ear.耳朵n 10.eye眼睛n.11.foot (pl.feet)脚;足n.12.hand.手n13.head.头;头部nl4.leg.腿;腿部n15.mouth.嘴;口;口腔n 16.neck.脖子;颈部n17.nose.鼻子n18.stomach.胃;胃部n19.tooth牙齿(pl.teeth) n. 20.throat.喉头;喉咙;咽喉n21.toothache牙痛n.22.fever.发烧;发热n23.rest.休息v24.honey蜂蜜n. 25.dentist.牙医n26.should.应该v27.headache头痛n.28.shouldn't=should not29.ago.(距……)以前adv 30.so如此;这样pron.31.illness疾病;生病n.32.advice劝告;忠告;建议n.33.thirsty渴的;口渴的adj. 34.stress加压力于;使紧张v..压力;紧张n 35.be stressed out紧张的;有压力的 36.crispy脆的;易碎的;(某些蔬菜和水果)新鲜而脆生的adj. 37.cereal.谷类植物;加工而成的,谷类食物(一般指燕麦片、玉米片等早餐食品) n 38.cookie.(美)甜饼干;曲奇饼n39.early.早;提早adv40.problem.问题;令人困惑的事物;难以处理的事情n 上面有详细的你所要求的东西。



Remember to do your homework seriously next time.


What kind of birthday gift are you going to buy for your mother?


China is a great country.


Dali is a good place for traveling in July or August.


The best plan is to go to Hainan in February.


In autumn,the temperature is getting cool and the leaves start to change its color.


In northwest,it's not quite cold,but rainwater is quite sufficient.


Wenzhou has storm sometimes in summer.


It always rains in spring,so it's a good way to carry an umbrella.


If you want to walk in the country,you better wear comfortable shoes.


列出你喜欢放在三明治里的东西List the materials you would like to put into the sandwich

两碗稀饭two bowls of porridge

放入四杯酸奶Put four cups of yogurt into it

超级鸡肉三明治super chicken sanwich

倒两茶匙酸奶进搅拌机pour two teaspoons of yogurt into blender

六片火鸡肉six slices of turkey

把调料放在鸡肉上 put seasoning on the chicken

检查原料check the raw materials

把它们全部搅匀mix all of them up

卷薄煎饼roll the pancake

吃北京烤鸭的正确方式the right way to eat Peking duck

把食谱排序order the recipe

告诉你的同伴如何制造爆米花tell your companion how to make popcorn

整理他的床铺clean up his bed

叠衣服fold one's clothes

找表兄借钱borrow monry from cousin

讨厌做家务hate to do housework

搬到新家move to new house

计算机程序员computer programmer

在中国东部in the east of china

每天练习打篮球play basketball everyday

兼职工作part time job

努力学习数学study maths industriously

环球旅行travel around the world

组建篮球队organise a basketball team

退休到某个有趣的地方retire to an interesting place


建个更大的地铁站build a larger metro station

最优质的服务the best service

在市区的繁华地区in the downtown distinct of city

需要一些演员参加才艺表演need some actors to attend performance

播放最有趣的音乐play the most interesting music

为美国交换生举行欢迎会hold a welcome party for american exchange student

生蛋raw eggs

折扣店discount store

广播电台radio station



1. Iwas afraid when I saw that snake/to see that snake.

2. I was having breakfast at 8 in the morning.

3. My friend called me while I was cleaning my room.

4. I was staying up late and watching a football game last night.(话说这边正在貌似有点问题)

5. I decided to buy a new car.

6. I don't think he is a good boy.

7. I couldn't decide where I should go/to go.

8. He couldn't decide when to leave.

9. My sister and I tried to go to school by bike/ride to school.

10. I'm trying my best to learn English well.

11. I want/would like to see a film./I want/would like to go the cinema.

12. The sharp thing I'm holding feels like a pen.

13. It looks like/seems that it's going to rain.(seem等于look like)

14. I feel like a bird.

15. She is the most beautiful of all the girls/the most beautiful girl of all.

16. Many of them have a pet.

17. I wonder/want to know how ants carry heavy things.

18. I was suprised that she was a thief.

19. None of them understand this exercise.

20. How slowly he drives!(感叹句)

21. What difficult exercises!/How difficult the exercises are!

22. How tall the man is!

23. Hiw nice/great you look!

24. What noise they make!(noise不可数)


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