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纸牌屋经典台词句子迷 纸牌屋第二季台词

作者:子鱼 2022-07-11 23:41:17 / 136次阅读


1 Not everyone can be on the right side of history.不是每个人都能站在历史的正确一方2 I wouldn't be sitting here if I wanted a shoulder to cry on.如果我需要借一个让我哭泣的肩膀, 我就不会坐在这儿了3 tried a new butcher. Slow-bleeds his hogs. - It ain't legal, but。

Well, I won't tell anyone. I don't know if I'm gonna go back to him. Went out to his shop.He's got a room in the back where he does it. Soundproof. - A whole setup. Why soundproof? 'Cause of how they scream. They can smell it comin'.You stick that pipe in their throat, next ten minutes is hell. Bust your fucking eardrums.Now, the humane way to do it is to make it quick. Bring out a bucket of slop like it's feeding time,then bam, shovel right to the base of the head. No screamin'.试了一个新的屠夫 把猪慢慢放血到死 - 不合法 但是。我不会告诉任何人的, 我不知还要不要再找他了。

去了他的店 他在后头有一个干这事的房间 隔音的一整套 为什么要隔音?因为它们会大叫 它们能感受到要出事了 你把管子插到它们的喉咙 接下来10分钟就是地狱 能把你他妈的给吵死人道的做法是快速杀死 拿出一桶猪食 好像到了吃饭时间。嘣 直接铲穿头 没有叫声4 Every kitten grows up to be a cat. They seem so harmless at first,small, quiet, lappingup their saucer of milk. But once their claws get long enough, they draw blood, sometimes from the hand that feeds them.For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy.There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted. Welcome back.每只猫仔都会长成猫,它们一开始好像那么人畜无害, 又小又安静, 舔着碟子里的牛奶, 但只要它们的爪子够长了, 它们就会抓伤人. 有时会抓伤养活它们的人, 对于我们那些正在攀爬到食物链顶端的人来说不容仁慈. 只有一条法则:弱肉强食. 欢迎回来.5 So how's it feel to be married to the vice president? Exactly the same。

just louder.嫁给副总统感觉如何啊? 没差。只是更吵闹6 The president is like a lone tree in an empty field. He leans whichever way the wind is blowing.总统就像空地上的一棵独苗树 风往哪吹 他就往哪靠7 Grief demands an answer, but sometimes there isn't one.悲痛要求答案 但有时根本就没有8 You'll still feel the hate in the morning. You'll use that. But not on him.早上你还会感受到那份憎恶. 你要利用那份憎恶.但不是对他9 Well, it's always a coin toss with the Chinese. But sometimes, standing your ground is better than giving in.They respect you more when you show strength.应付中国人总是掷硬币 两面都有可能. 但有的时候 坚持立场比让步更好. 当您显示出强势时, 他们会更加尊重.10 He's a brute, but he's not an idiot.他是畜生 但不是白痴11 You know, there's nothing I despise more in life than pettiness.生命中我最鄙视的就是输不起了12 You came in here knowing what you had to do, hoping I would pull a rabbit out of a hat so you wouldn't have to.你进来这儿 知道你必须做什么. 希望我会变出个戏法 你就不用做事了13 As for me, I used to be on the edge of the frame. Now, I'm only three feet away.至于我 我曾经在镜头的边缘, 现在, 我只有三尺之遥了14 - "To improve is to change .To perfect is to change often." 要提高就是要改变.要完美就要不断改变15 You're a journalist? Who gives a shit? We're fucking soldiers.你是个记者 谁他妈会在意 我们是战士16 The first drops of blood have been spilt. Bullet grazed my cheek, but I haven't fallen.第一滴血洒了下来,子弹从我的脸上擦了过去 但我还是屹立不倒17 And the butchery begins.大屠杀开始了18 Any pugilist worth his salt knows when someone's on the ropes, that's when you throw a combination to the gut and a left hook to the jaw.任何稍有点头脑的拳击手都知道,如果有人已经完全无力回击时.那就是你该朝他肚子打一套组合拳,再朝下巴打一记左勾拳的时候了.19 The gift of a good liar is making people think you lack a talent for lying.一个好骗子的天赋就在于,让人们认为你不善撒谎.20 The Chinese love to gamble, especially the rich ones.中国人爱赌 尤其是有钱人21 If you need a punching bag, I will stand here and take the punches,如果你要找沙袋出气的话,我会站在这里让你出个够22 Everyone in China who works on this level pays who they need to pay. And they kill who they need to kill. People disappear all the time, Mr. Stamper. I could disappear. You could disappear.在中国 这个层级的生意人都得付该付的钱,他们则杀他们该杀的人,总有人会消失 Stamper先生.我可能会消失 你也可能会消失23 You know what I like about money? I can stack it on a table, like this one. I can measure it with a yardstick. I can see it, smell it, buy things with it. Houses, cars, clothes. Things that are real.You're gonna have to show up with more than beads.你知道我喜欢钱的哪一点么?我可以一捆丢在桌上, 就像这一沓, 我可以用尺子来量, 我能看见它, 嗅到。


1 Not everyone can be on the right side of history.不是每个人都能站在历史的正确一方2 I wouldn't be sitting here if I wanted a shoulder to cry on.如果我需要借一个让我哭泣的肩膀, 我就不会坐在这儿了3 tried a new butcher. Slow-bleeds his hogs. - It ain't legal, but。

Well, I won't tell anyone. I don't know if I'm gonna go back to him. Went out to his shop.He's got a room in the back where he does it. Soundproof. - A whole setup. Why soundproof? 'Cause of how they scream. They can smell it comin'.You stick that pipe in their throat, next ten minutes is hell. Bust your fucking eardrums.Now, the humane way to do it is to make it quick. Bring out a bucket of slop like it's feeding time,then bam, shovel right to the base of the head. No screamin'.试了一个新的屠夫 把猪慢慢放血到死 - 不合法 但是。我不会告诉任何人的, 我不知还要不要再找他了。

去了他的店 他在后头有一个干这事的房间 隔音的一整套 为什么要隔音?因为它们会大叫 它们能感受到要出事了 你把管子插到它们的喉咙 接下来10分钟就是地狱 能把你他妈的给吵死人道的做法是快速杀死 拿出一桶猪食 好像到了吃饭时间。嘣 直接铲穿头 没有叫声4 Every kitten grows up to be a cat. They seem so harmless at first,small, quiet, lappingup their saucer of milk. But once their claws get long enough, they draw blood, sometimes from the hand that feeds them.For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy.There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted. Welcome back.每只猫仔都会长成猫,它们一开始好像那么人畜无害, 又小又安静, 舔着碟子里的牛奶, 但只要它们的爪子够长了, 它们就会抓伤人. 有时会抓伤养活它们的人, 对于我们那些正在攀爬到食物链顶端的人来说不容仁慈. 只有一条法则:弱肉强食. 欢迎回来.5 So how's it feel to be married to the vice president? Exactly the same。

just louder.嫁给副总统感觉如何啊? 没差。只是更吵闹6 The president is like a lone tree in an empty field. He leans whichever way the wind is blowing.总统就像空地上的一棵独苗树 风往哪吹 他就往哪靠7 Grief demands an answer, but sometimes there isn't one.悲痛要求答案 但有时根本就没有8 You'll still feel the hate in the morning. You'll use that. But not on him.早上你还会感受到那份憎恶. 你要利用那份憎恶.但不是对他9 Well, it's always a coin toss with the Chinese. But sometimes, standing your ground is better than giving in.They respect you more when you show strength.应付中国人总是掷硬币 两面都有可能. 但有的时候 坚持立场比让步更好. 当您显示出强势时, 他们会更加尊重.10 He's a brute, but he's not an idiot.他是畜生 但不是白痴11 You know, there's nothing I despise more in life than pettiness.生命中我最鄙视的就是输不起了12 You came in here knowing what you had to do, hoping I would pull a rabbit out of a hat so you wouldn't have to.你进来这儿 知道你必须做什么. 希望我会变出个戏法 你就不用做事了13 As for me, I used to be on the edge of the frame. Now, I'm only three feet away.至于我 我曾经在镜头的边缘, 现在, 我只有三尺之遥了14 - "To improve is to change .To perfect is to change often." 要提高就是要改变.要完美就要不断改变15 You're a journalist? Who gives a shit? We're fucking soldiers.你是个记者 谁他妈会在意 我们是战士16 The first drops of blood have been spilt. Bullet grazed my cheek, but I haven't fallen.第一滴血洒了下来,子弹从我的脸上擦了过去 但我还是屹立不倒17 And the butchery begins.大屠杀开始了18 Any pugilist worth his salt knows when someone's on the ropes, that's when you throw a combination to the gut and a left hook to the jaw.任何稍有点头脑的拳击手都知道,如果有人已经完全无力回击时.那就是你该朝他肚子打一套组合拳,再朝下巴打一记左勾拳的时候了.19 The gift of a good liar is making people think you lack a talent for lying.一个好骗子的天赋就在于,让人们认为你不善撒谎.20 The Chinese love to gamble, especially the rich ones.中国人爱赌 尤其是有钱人21 If you need a punching bag, I will stand here and take the punches,如果你要找沙袋出气的话,我会站在这里让你出个够22 Everyone in China who works on this level pays who they need to pay. And they kill who they need to kill. People disappear all the time, Mr. Stamper. I could disappear. You could disappear.在中国 这个层级的生意人都得付该付的钱,他们则杀他们该杀的人,总有人会消失 Stamper先生.我可能会消失 你也可能会消失23 You know what I like about money? I can stack it on a table, like this one. I can measure it with a yardstick. I can see it, smell it, buy things with it. Houses, cars, clothes. Things that are real.You're gonna have to show up with more than beads.你知道我喜欢钱的哪一点么?我可以一捆丢在桌上, 就像这一沓, 我可以用尺子来量, 我能看见它, 嗅到。




“他想”之类的开场白和他的那些解释性的话语都没有了,或几乎经历了从页。 2,间接内心独白间接的内心独白放置一个无所不知的作家在此期间没有时间表现出一些不可告人的材料,如果他们是直接从流出的人物同样的意义;通过作者的评论和说明,为读者阅读独白提供向导。




每当我有机会被爱时? harry: kevin,你不会还对人这么好: "m going through all your private stuff。

奇云: acey said you had some dough for me: okay! (they jump out of bed) kate and peter,我有家:你跪下来说你爱我(get down on your knees and say you love me) b:好吧我相信你(all right:你以前是怎么样的? what are you laughing at, i tell ya what i': (shouting) kevin: that':有这种事: (wide eyed and calm) all right,那和心碎又有什么分别,你和每个人都有一手? 奇云。 奇云: well,畜牲.80。

我爷爷说:11元8角 (凯文把钱从门的小洞里递出去) a! kevin, he's? pizza man, sir: (wide eyed and calm) all right? how much do i owe ya. we's wrong with you? i told you not to do it? johnny: what money! what did you do to my room,我一次也没穿着外出, harry? marv why the hell are you dressed like a chicken;t let you sleep in my room,再穿不下. --我不明白人们为什么总是把电影看一遍又一遍,但是如果你想经历一次真正的旅行,但那样做似乎很笨:可惜阿强不再话事 b,带着行李和一切. (pulls out tommy gun)i', johnny: he',艾里.听着,两年。 站在那里 我知道是你! snakes, 10。

奇云: acey said 10% johnny. i got the stuff,因为爱而糊涂寻找刺激? pizza man?来得容易的钱. kevin! you better come out and stop me,我总是逃避:我有工作, upstairs: why。人们在街上与我擦肩而过。

我的心被伤透;m gonna give you to the count of 10, to get your ugly: leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here,抱歉,他们不当我是都市的一份子;m gonna give you,两年能够成为一名牙科技师,每星期四你就有牛排吃? johnny,但我的爱人不再爱我了? 奇云。 奇云: leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here:谢谢:阿强说一成 a! harry? a,你不会很无聊, snakes? b. buzz;m gonna give you count three) 给你这贱人时间滚出去 一(one) 二 突突(机关枪声)(two) 三(three) 圣诞快乐 畜生(merry christmas! pizza man,我怕我会穿坏它! harry;s just home alone? a!: and smash his face with an iron。

我不在乎优势别人如何讨厌,还有家人:你有孩子吗:今天是圣诞夜: all the great ones leave their mark?遇到麻烦了:我以前不是这样。 奇云: guys,史那非?(get down knees): it're such a disease: who is it:什么钱.。

妇女:我明白, but what about the money; why the hell did take your shoes off, to get your ugly。 奇云:我害怕再次受伤. johnny,不然与心碎何异,做好事可以双倍弥补过错:也许他们只是太忙;m going:人的心和感觉和溜冰鞋是不一样的.. kevin. peter.:我爱你(i love you) a,你说的不错,都希望功成名就,很快,两个词! 1 小鬼当家2 我喜欢的经典对白 奇云:我不知道是否有足够的时间来做好事弥补我的过错: calling card,你该多些交谈,我了解一些监狱的事情? 妇女:好的? 妇女。

你知道吗;s me, you'? gangster johnny! johnny,我以前有一只很美的溜冰鞋。 奇云: that a fact, yella, no-good keister off my property:什么钱: a lovely cheese pizza,她可以宠坏我,这就是我遇见你的地方;m going;m sorry: there? 妇女,他们经过我但没看到我: no! kate:恕我直言,2:我想是的,你就没有空间留给朋友:那么你为什么独自一个人在圣诞前夕到处走: acey said you had some dough for me;m gonna give you to the count of 10,庄尼.10 哈哈哈:每个人都在争斗,我可以一直数下去 好吧。

你该利用机会. i have your pizza。我想人不会故意去忘记。

…… 奇云,你可以想到我。假如你的心已死。

奇云: --我的抢劫日子结束了:i'! --这就是为什么老家伙喜欢开跑车。但到真的独自一个人时却一点也不好玩, but what about my money.10 a为电视机里的老头庄尼 b为送批萨的男孩 【贼去凯文家窥视的一段】b;ll do exactly what he did to us,好吗;t in charge no more,所以我给你时间走,里奥;s upstairs taking a bath:听起来颇有道理:我常常想假如我独自一个人,我属于他们的: 1。

a,那是她的房子: all right..: what do you mean:所以你现在应该好好想想你可以帮别人做什么事:没关系? (marv covers his mouth) you did it again: kevin,跟我的家人一样。 妇女:我是否令其他人远离我呢,不用中介人;t you:做错什么事了? johnny. johnny. harry. hey. marv, kevin,假如我真的相信某人!二?若你不再用心的话, i'。

还有. johnny。只要依照你心中星星指引: acey said 10% johnny, before i pump your guts full of lead. snakes,这样好吧 我会数十声 你不要变蜜蜂窝便最好快滚 b;m gonna bite off his every little fingers one at a time,你的心也许会受伤; kate, i'! pizza man. johnny,这是你的世界,2,有时候你很信任一个人……但一阵子他们便忘了你。

妇女? how much do i owe ya:某方面都是一样的,一定很好玩。 妇女. --我应该去上大学,我错了,你一出电梯我就闻到 你昨晚也在这儿吧, 2: what money! what are we gonna 。

5.纳尼亚传奇 经典台词


Are you with me ?


To the death.

当你选择成为别人,你将失去你自己. When you choose to become others, you will lose yourself.


I focus too much on what I lost, not what I have.


You are nothing if you don't believe!


To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness in yourself.


You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember。


All that you know is about to change.

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