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自己造的英语代词句子 英语的人称代词造句五年级

作者:子鱼 2022-07-11 23:41:11 / 433次阅读


主格:I am a beautiful girl. You are a clever

boy. He is a teather. She is a very niae nurse.We are chinese. You are

all in order. They ara all good students.

宾格:Excuse me,can you tell me how to get there? Can I help you?

The ball hit him on his head.

Please take good care of her.

The old man give us a big smile.

The teather will ask you to finish your homework on time.

Who can help them?



Is that your bike? 这是你的自行车吗

My mother is at home. 我的妈妈在家了

His father is a teacher. 他的爸爸是一个老师

I like English.我喜欢英语

What's that?那是什么

Whose book is this?这是谁的

It is very kind of you.你真好

Her favourite subject is History.我最喜欢的学科是历史

It's my sister.那是我的姐姐

Where have you been?你去哪了

What's the time now?现在几点了

Who are you?你是谁

Where were you born?你在那出世的

How's the weather like today?今天天气怎么样

What do you think of him?你认为他怎么样

How do you like her?你认为她怎么样

It is hers.那是她的

It belongs to me.它属于我

What did you say?你说什么

Where are you from?你从哪来

Where do you come from?你从哪来

It is an egg.那是一个鸡蛋

Why did you go to bed so late?你怎么那么晚去睡觉

Why do you dislike her?你为什么不喜欢她

She is a good girl.她是一个好姑娘

He is the writer of the poem.他就是那首诗的作者

She is the author of the novel.她是那个小说的作者

I like Harry Potter very much.我非常喜欢Harry Potter.

How do you make it?你是怎么做到的

Is that you ?那是你吗

How many kinds of books do you have?你有 多少种书

When did it start?它什么时候开始?

How many times have you been here?你来这里多少次?

What day is it today?今天几号

How long have you been skating?你已经溜冰多久了?

He is the famous singer.他就是那个著名的歌手


I have a pen

I will go to shanghai on vacation

I want to learn to play piano

I wear glasses today

I am watching TV now

I sometimes go to friends'home

I either watch or play badminyon

I like milk because I think It's good for healthy

I don't like my cousin because she is make me unhappy

I think this skirt is beautiful

I not feel well so I must to see dactor

I must do many housework and homework on weekends


是英语吧?谢谢你对我们团的信任,我们会尽力帮助你的 .--------------------------------II am hungry.我肚子饿Am I not right?.是我不对吗?I want to have some tea.Mother and I went for shopping this morning.I went to the cinema last Sunday.YouYou and I are good friends.You are mad..That's very kind of you.I bought this cake for you.Your mother tell you to go home.HeGo and see who is there and what he wants.Does he want his toy .He who carries nothing loses nothing.(谚)不带东西的人不会失去东西Which way is he going?.Where does he come from?sheMy mother says she likes you.我母亲说她喜欢你What a beautiful ship!What is she called?.多么漂亮的一条船!船名叫什么?Does she want her toy?.Mary tells me she goes to school by bike.When does she come back?ItI saw it我看到了它I gave food to it.我给它食物Go and see who it is.去看看是谁It is impossible to master English in a month or two.要在一两个月内精通英文是不可能的It's kind of you to give me a present.你真好,送我礼物TheyThey say that Mr.Smith has taken a doctor's degree.据说史密斯先生获得了博士学位Nobody ever admits that they are to blame.无人会承认错在自己 [自己错]They have raised (the) taxes again.政府已再度提高了税金The students say they don't like the new French teavher.They were stopped on the way back to home by the heavy rain.WeWe will make a brief stop at Los Angeles.我们将在洛杉机短暂停留We are not naturally bad.人的本性 [天性] 非恶(人性本善)We had much rain last year.去年的雨量多We are going to be late this morning.We can't stand him any more.我们再也无法忍受他了MeThey know me very well.他们很了解我Father gave me a book.父亲给我一本书She spoke to me.Please forgive me.Yesterday,Tom said he loved me.HimI know him我认识他I gave him a book.我给他一本书I went with him我和他同行 [一起去]She wrote him a letter yesterday.The teacer asks him to stand up.。

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